Energy Efficient Branch Office
Johnson Controls builds model energy-efficient branch office
June 23, 1981 (PD: 201406)

The exterior of the Salt Lake City branch office included energy efficient features such as high clerestory windows and south-facing glass to help capture solar energy for heating and lighting; the earth berms around the lower exterior of the structure provided additional insulation
The Johnson Controls publication Briefing announced on June 23, 1981 that a prototype energy-efficient Systems and Services Division branch office building was being constructed in Salt Lake City, Utah to demonstrate the company’s technical capability to apply innovative energy-saving techniques.
The building would incorporate cost-effective passive solar and energy conservation measures, all under the control of the company’s JC/85/10 energy management system. Design studies projected an energy savings of about 60 percent over similar conventional buildings, and 40 percent over current branch office standards. It was expected that the use of daylight rather than artificial lighting would contribute substantially to the savings.
As a result of a 1979 energy-conservation design competition, Johnson Controls was awarded a Department of Energy demonstration grant of $65,000 to help fund development of the project. It was anticipated the project would help determine what energy-saving measures could be incorporated in other major branch offices.