10 Million Batteries to Autozone
Johnson Controls celebrates 10 millionth battery to AutoZone
February 20, 1995 (PD: 201602)

Johnson Controls CEO Jim Keyes (fourth from left) presented Ron Ayotte (fourth from right), AutoZone executive vice president, with a plaque to commemorate Johnson Controls’ shipment of its 10 millionth battery to AutoZone
On February 20, 1995, Johnson Controls held a celebration at its Battery Group headquarters in Glendale, Wisconsin to commemorate the shipment of its 10 millionth battery to auto parts retailer AutoZone.
At the event, Johnson Controls CEO Jim Keyes presented Ron Ayotte, AutoZone executive vice president, with a plaque.
Johnson Controls had been supplying AutoZone with batteries since 1988. Just two months earlier, the two companies had signed a multi-year agreement for Johnson Controls to supply all of AutoZone’s batteries.
Previously, Johnson Controls had supplied 80%, while Exide had supplied the remaining 20%. Under the new agreement, Johnson Controls would begin supplying AutoZone’s stores in the west and southwest United States.
Today, Johnson Controls continues to supply AutoZone with batteries.