What’s a New Normal?

No – I don’t know what that will look like either, but I find it interesting to guess at how our current pandemic will change what the future will look like. How many of the new habits we are quickly learning and adapting to will become engrained into that “new normal” and which ones will be humorous recollections of a common experience that we all endured. I thought I would take the time to put a snapshot of today’s thoughts in this time capsule we call a newsletter for future reference and maybe even joke telling.

Toilet paper – do we finally have enough?

Ventilators – The second thing (after TP) that hospitals were short of. Two months in and no longer an issue, since most people that got that sick have died. GM and Ford are now building them, but not cars.

Will schools look the same? Preschool, Grade school, High School, College – will it all be Online?

Working from home. If you use a computer, will you need an office any more?

Newscasters, entertainers, singers, gym classes – all coming from people’s homes.

Shows and commercials from the past with crowds of people – now look abnormal already.

Restaurants/Bars will they ever be the busy places we’ve known?

Farmers are dumping milk, plowing under crops, euthanizing animals planned for schools & restaurants while grocery shelves are sparse and food banks can’t get enough food for people out of work.

Airplanes, Trains, busses, ships, will we feel like packing into them?

Sporting events – Will they restart with fans? Will we be only watching from home?

Will we all need new shoes from walking our neighborhoods repeatedly? Dogs are loving it.

How about your new longer hair style, since barbers/salons are closed.

When will face masks become a fashion statement and be on glamor magazines?

Gasoline – they can’t give crude oil away – nobody’s going anywhere, but pollution is down.

Will ZOOM be in everyone’s electronic device – or – a humorous relic from back then.

Add your own thoughts and we can compare notes once we can get together again. Preferably not on ZOOM. Or just put some notes in the margins above – Oh! I almost forgot, we are not putting this on paper anymore 😉


Special Note on Events

Due to the Covid 19 pandemic uncertainty;

Nothing special for the Biennial Reunion is being planned. We will continue to monitor the ever changing set of rules and guidelines in Milwaukee and the
surrounding area to judge when we may be able to safely meet again.

Any feedback you can provide on what conditions would have to look like before you would be willing to gather again, would be greatly
appreciated. It will do little good to schedule a luncheon if few members are willing to come to it.

Help your Board

Your board of directors can use one or more added people to carry out the duties they perform.

Specifically the Program Committee has normally been two people and is currently only Jim Pasterczyk.
They coordinate our quarterly luncheons (menu, speaker, facility details).

If you would have an interest in getting involved in this or other parts of our board please send us an email, or call Jim or Gene
Strehlow (262-251-0166) for additional details.

The time commitment is typically only a handful of hours/quarter.