Robots in School!Â
By: Dennis Miller
January 16, 2014
Dennis MIller was our speaker at the Winter Luncheon: Milwaukee 2014. Since taking retirement from Johnson Controls, Dennis went back to work to learn about robots. He has been involved in the FIRST Robot Competition and the Marquette University School of Engineering Outreach Program. Dennis talked about the rewards of sharing his knowledge with students. He has taught students from elementary schools, high schools, and seniors in the UWM Osher Program.
Along the way, Dennis has acquired a very big collection of robots. He shared them with us at the Winter Luncheon. He has one robot per table at the luncheon, complete with instructions. He also talked about the technology and why walking robots are interesting and important. After that, we got to play with them. Everyone had a great time. See the full story in Connect/Society News. Check out the pictures in the gallery below.
Photos by Ron Kuta.
- The Dancing Robot