Johnson Controls/Tyco Merger … Completed

April 13, 2016

Logo-JCI-Tyco-IM7UPDATE: September 6, 2016

Today’s news release announced that the merger is complete. As of today, the new company is operating as Johnson Controls International, plc with headquarters in Cork, Ireland. With that, this “ongoing discussion” comes to an end. Time to move on.

The news about the announced merger of Johnson Controls, Inc and Tyco seems to be coming in spurts with a bit of politics mixed into the business and investment impact of the planned merger.

Our intent is to serve our membership by passing along those stories that offer information on the business and investment impact of the merger. With that purpose, this News posting contains links to published stories and news releases addressing the merger. It will be updated as we find articles that may be of interest to our members. The list here certainly won’t be comprehensive. If you find an article that you think may be of value to other members please send us the link via Message to the Editor at Join the Discussion.

Nobody knows just how this will all turn out. If we continue to share information, perhaps we can be better prepared as it evolves.

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