Who is this young man?
February 14, 2015
A member who many of you know very well shared some old family photos with us this week. Let’s see if you can guess who he is from these telling photos. Here’s how he might want us to think of him in his childhood . . .
. . . A young man, best dressed, on his best behavior . . .
Who plays well with his sisters on those hot summer days . . .
. . . at home, on the porch,
or, on vacation at the lake . . .
. . . even on those cold winter days in the snow . . .
Oh, that snow was from the 1947 Blizzard, a record maker around here. Can you take a good guess yet? Who is this well mannered young man? Need another clue?
How about this picture?
Catch that smile. It stayed with him throughout his career at Johnson Controls, used very effectively to this day!
Do you recognize him yet? Think about it for awhile. Send your guess by Help button message.
We’ll post his name here, in the News, after the Spring Luncheon.
By the way, the Spring Luncheon will be at Alioto’s on Thursday, April 16, 2015. Save the date, and watch for more information in Upcoming Events and the Newsletter.
Update: May 4, 2015
That last picture was the best clue for me. This young man is none other than John Enright long time WSJ Society Member and former VP Membership.
John and Sharlene working the membership booth at Reunion 2010 is one of my personal favorite experiences with the WSJ Society. Contributing to others was a mark of their careers with Johnson Controls, and it certainly continued into retirement.
It’s tough to say that John is retired. He just keeps going. . . from sales at Auer Steel; well known speaker on the lighthouses of the Great Lakes; and curator at the Wisconsin Marine Historical Society. Check out this picture of John in the middle at one of their activities: Wreath Laying Commemorating the Great Storm of 1913.
While you’re on the Wisconsin Marine Historical Society Facebook Page, checkout the activities they have going — some very interesting stuff!
Thanks John for sharing these family pictures and for all the things you’ve done for our members and our community.